Zuni Fetish Meanings
Zuni Fetish Meanings
The meanings, traditions and use of Zuni Fetishes
by Sedonawolf
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Zuni Fetishes are consulted when the spirit
of an animal can help solve a problem.
Zuni fetishes are carried when the power of the animal
is needed to accomplish a specific task:
a safe journey
a successful hunt
a good crop
An offering of corn meal and water
is often kept near a fetish
Breath represents the living spirit.
The exchange of breath is necessary for requesting help from a Zuni fetish.
The fetish owner holds his fetish close to his lips and breathes over the fetish.
Then deeply breathes in the spirit of the fetish.
Some Zuni fetishes have heart lines.
Sometimes the heartline is naturally in the pattern of the stone itself
Sometimes it is inlaid in the fetish by the carver.
Heart lines start at the mouth of the fetish (where breath gives life)
and point to the soul (where faith, spirit and inner strength reside).
Tied to the back of many Zuni fetishes are medicine,
or offering bundles of gemstones – to help prayers be heard.
Also, an arrowhead is often there to protect
the fetish on its journey.
Offering bundles are bound to the fetish with sinew,
because sinew (muscle fiber) is strength.
Coral in the bundle represents ocean life.
Turquoise represent the sky, birds.
Black is for night creatures.
Brown is earth.
White is winter.
Zuni Fetish Animals
Eagle – The power of the Great Spirit, a connection to Creation
Hawk – Messenger from the Gods, to see what is before you
Elk – Gives us stamina, pace yourself
Deer – Teaches us gentleness
Bear – Strength, power from within, spiritual guide
Snake – Creation, to guide us in the circle of life, death, and rebirth
Skunk – Self respect, help us gain inner strength and an honored reputation
Otter – Women medicine, balanced femininity
Butterfly – The ability to change, to move on
Turtle – Oldest symbol of mother earth – symbol of longevity and confidence (centered and secure self)
Moose – Self esteem, confidence
Porcupine – Faith and trust
Coyote – The master trickster who tricks himself – laughter, humor, foolishness.
Dog – Loyalty and friendship
Wolf – Teacher, Pathfinder, Survivor
Raven – Magic, the messenger of the great mystery; A change in consciousness.
Mountain Lion – Leadership
Bobcat (Lynx) – The ability to see the future.
Buffalo – Abundance, Sacred prophet
Mouse – Attention to detail
Owl – Wisdom, deception, to see what others cannot.
Beaver – Achievement, builder
Opossum – Strategist
Crow – Keeper of sacred law
Fox – To become one with your surroundings. To move unnoticed.
Squirrel – gather and store for the future
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