Laiwakete Brothers – Bernard Laiwakete
Laiwakete Brothers
Rodney, Tony, Donovan, Bernard, Fernando and Calvin Laiwakete
Bernard Laiwakete
Zuni Fetish Raspberry Serpentine Wolf
Carved by Tony Laiwakete
(Janine Fenton Collection)
Zuni Fetish Jadeite Serpentine Fox with a Double
Fine Turquoise Coral, Jet, and Mother of Pearl Heartline
Carved by Tony Laiwakete
Extremely fine Laiwakete Carving
(Janine Fenton Collection)
Zuni Fetish Argite Bear
Carved by Rodney Laiwakete
1 7/8″
(Janine Fenton Collection)
Very Large Picasso Marble Zuni Fetish Badger
with a Double Heartline
made of Turquoise and Jet
Carved by Tony Laiwakete
5 1/8″
(Janine Fenton Collection)
Zuni Fetish Cedar Wood Bear
Carved by Tony Laiwakete
(Janine Fenton Collection)
Bernard Laiwakete
Brown Picasso Bear
Bernard Laiwakete
Onyx Frog
2 5/8″
Bernard Laiwakete
Marble Frog
2 1/8″
More Laiwakete Zuni Fetish Carvings
To Main Fetish Gallery
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