Staley Natewa
Zuni Fetish Carvings
Staley’s best Zuni fetish carvings carry a perfect cross hatch design that
is formed by deeply incised crossing lines that form tiny diamonds.
Staley’s lesser carvings are simply doted. However, even his more modest
fetishes are very fine examples of the Zuni Fetish Carvers art.
Click to read Staley Natewa Bio
circa 2000
2 3/4″ long
Very well made Male Bobcat
Staley Natewa Male Picasso Marble Bobcat
Bobcat is full carved including Male Genitalia
3 1/4″
Large Staley Natewa Picasso Marble Coiled Snake
2 5/8″ Tall1 7/8″ Wide
Large Staley Natewa Serpentine Frog 2 1/2″
Staley Natewa Serpentine Horned Toad
3 1/4″
Staley Natewa Brown Picasso Marble Male Zuni Wolf Fetish
Bobcat is full carved including Male Genitalia
Staley Natewa Small Brown Picasso Marble Zuni Bobcat Fetish
Bobcat is full carved