Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai
Debra Gasper Zuni Fetish Badger carved out of Ice Selenite with a Hand Knapped Turquoise Arrowhead
adorned with Turquoise, Coral, and Heishe
3 1/2″ long x 1 7/8″ wide
Debra Gasper Zuni Fetish Bear Carved out of Onyx Serpentine
1 1/2″
Debra Gasper Zuni Fetish Frog
Carved out of Onyx Serpentine
with Coral eyes
1 1/2″
Debra Gasper Zuni Fetish Frog
Carved out of Rainbow Dolomite
1 5/8″ long x 1 1/8″ tall