Zuni Fetish Carvings and Zuni Necklaces

Emery Eriacho

Emery Eriacho Zuni Fetishes

Emery grew up in southern California.  He had many interests,
one of which was making Bear molds.

In 1983, at 17 years old, he saw Zuni fetish bears in a local shop.
That moved him to return to Zuni and learn to carve.

In Zuni, he worked with Andres Quam and his former wife
Daisy Natewa.   Andres’ influence can still be seen in Emery’s work.
However, many years have passed since then and Emery’s
fetishes have a  very special quality of their own.

Emery’s fetishes are well know and widely collected.
He is know for the high quality stone he chooses
and the fine finish his fetishes carry.  Best of all, Emery is
a wizard at finding magic in the matrix of the stone.

You will find in Emery’s work – grace, balance, imagination, and spirit.

Glenetta, Emery’s wife and brother Jeff,all work with Emery.
Emery cuts the rock and does the initial grinding to bring the
stone to life.  Glenetta then polishes the fetishes and picks
and ties the bundles.  Jeff helps polish and also
carves his own fetishes.

Emery, Glenetta & Jeff Eriacho

Emery Eriacho Zuni Fetish Serpentine Hunting Bear

Carved with a Jet Arrowhead

1 7/8″


Emery Eriacho 1

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